BitVenus Ranks 28th on Asset Verified & Trusted!

Summary Overview:

  • BitVenus, a leading cryptocurrency derivative trading platform, has achieved asset verification and star-level certification from and
  • The platform has also secured the 28th position on’s CEX transparency ranking.
  • BitVenus offers several key advantages, including verification and compliance, support for multiple languages, 24/7 customer service, low transaction fees, and more.

BitVenus Achieves Asset Verification and Star-Level Certification

BitVenus , a leading cryptocurrency derivative trading platform, is pleased to announce its recent achievements in the cryptocurrency industry. At the time of publishing this release, the platform has received verification and star-level certification from reputable authorities: and And ranked 28th on CEX transparency ranking. This recognition further solidifies BitVenus’ position as a trusted and innovative platform for crypto trading., a comprehensive information, news, and analysis website for the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry, ranks global cryptocurrency exchanges based on factors such as trading volume, user count, and geographic distribution. BitVenus proudly secured the 28th position on’s CEX transparency ranking demonstrating its industry standing in the market place .’s verification and star-level certification validate BitVenus’ commitment to transparency , reliability ,and trustworthiness . The platform is proud to have its funds verified by such a reputable institution . BitVenus continuously strives to provide the best possible user experience with improved services .

Key Advantages Offered By Bitvenus

BitVenus offers several key advantages that set it apart from other platforms in the market:

  • Verification & Compliance: BitVenus is backed by licenses and certifications ensuring compliance with regulations.

  • Multiple Languages Support : The platform supports multiple languages making it easier for traders all around world.

  • 24/7 Customer Service : The team provides 24/7 customer service helping customers resolve any issues they may face quickly.

  • Low Transaction Fees : The platform charges significantly lower transaction fees compared to other platforms in the market.< br/>

    < ul >< li >< b style = "color:red;" > Innovative Platform : The team behind Bitvenus are constantly innovating their products providing users with better features than before .< br/>

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